Dojo Details

AKI PA Group photo - October 2017

Aikido Kenkyukai Pennsylvania is a dedicated dojo established in 1996 by Lia Suzuki Sensei, 6th Dan, upon her return from nearly 10 years of training in Japan. The dojo is currently located in the River of Life Wellness Center at 321 Morris Road in Fort Washington, PA. For more details please call 805-636-3632 or email

Spring 2013 Seminar with Suzuki Sensei

Aikido Kenkyukai Pennsylvania strives to emulate the atmosphere, traditions, and spirit of our parent dojo in Japan. We maintain an active connection with the other AKI dojo around the world, and with Takeda Shihan’s dojo in Japan.

Santa Barbara Seminar - 2004

Lia Suzuki Sensei visits Aikido Kenkyukai Pennsylvania regularly to teach intensive training sessions, testings, and special events.

Aikido Kenkyukai Pennsylvania’s instructor is Matt Bridi.  Matt began training Aikido in 1993 in East Norriton PA. In 1996 he started training with Suzuki Sensei when AKI PA was established, and followed Sensei to California for 14 more years of direct training. Matt received Godan (5th degree black belt) from Takeda Shihan in 2022. He has been leading classes at the Pennsylvania dojo since returning to the area in June of 2016.

Dejan Shodan Presentation

Aikido Kenkyukai Pennsylvania’s assistant instructor is Dejan Zivanovic. Dejan joined in 2007 and immediately “fell in love” with Kenkyukai style. He received Nidan (2nd degree black belt) from Lia Suzuki Sensei in 2014. He remained under Steve Trinkle Sensei’s watchful eye and become a dojo-cho in 2012.